Jun 1, 2022



I enjoyed reading your thoughts and feedback. Especially, your example of prison confinement, and social systems that make universal presumptions or require conformity are bound to fail.

Have you read the excellent book "Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism"?(available here to read online or download: https://archive.org/details/ThoughtReformAndThePsychologyOfTotalism/mode/2up)

And the brilliant book by Freuds' Nephew "Propaganda" (1928) by Edward Bernays? (available to read or download: https://archive.org/details/BernaysPropaganda).

These are some books that question my direction of choice by external actors and how honest I truly am with myself a lot of the time.

I look forward to touching base after reading more of your work soon.

Best Regards,





Written by Avi

My biggest fear about becoming a zombie is all the walking that I’d have to do :) …..Stay Golden. Let’s dance :-D

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