3 min readMar 29, 2022


Hi Jonmass,

Nice effort to prove God exists using an evidence-based approach.

I would also like to say that you don't need to prove that God exists to anyone. It’s debate that exists because some of the more scientifically minded readers start pointing out that there are these things called facts and there is ample evidence to demonstrate that facts exist, and we don’t need to have faith to know that some things are real.

Fair enough. But here’s the thing about evidence: it changes nothing. Evidence belongs to the logical part of the Brain, whereas values are decided by the Creative part of the Brain. You cannot verify values. They are, by definition, subjective and arbitrary. Therefore, anyone can argue about facts until they are blue in the face, but ultimately, it doesn’t matter-people interpret the significance of their experiences through their values.

E.g.: If a meteorite hit a town and killed half the people, the traditional religious person would look at the event and say that it happened because the

town was full of sinners. The atheist would look at it and say that it was proof there is no God (another faith-based belief, by the way), as how could a benevolent, all-powerful being let such an awful thing happen? A hedonist would look at it and decide that it was even more reason to party, since we could all die at any moment. And a capitalist would look at it and start thinking about how to invest in meteorite-defence technologies.

Evidence became an important Value, and any belief that was no longer supported by evidence had to be altered to account for the new observed reality. This produced what we can call a new religion: science.

Regardless of all the philosophical, scientific and theological debates, logic has been applied to this issue by the Philosopher Blaise Pascal (brilliant man!).

He had an idea - A rational person should live as though God exists and believe in God. If God does not exist, the person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas if God does exist, he stands to receive infinite gains (‘heaven’) and avoid infinite losses (‘hell’). Using this logic, better to bet on God and do good, right!? You can read his thoughts in this article:


Also, If anyone puts forward an argument against God then the Burden of Proof lies with them. Furthermore, If you make the claim for God, then the Burden of proof lies with you. We are dealing with a logical fallacy known as 'Argument From Ignorance'

This is when we illegitimately appeal to ignorance to support a conclusion. It usually takes the following form: “No one has proven not A, therefore A is true.” It may also take this form: “No one has proven A, so A is false.”

Note: this fallacy is not about an ignorant person; rather it is when we mistakenly believe that something must be false because it has not been proven true, or that something must be true because it has not been proven false.




For your math problem see:


The first answer is very simple and elegant.

As for math and odd ducks et.al, appearing in this fascinating subject, these sites are a useful and interesting read:







Also google why nine is a magic number!

Furthermore an interesting article on Einstein:


and I would highly recommend his Biography:

"Einstein's Greatest Mistake: The Life of a Flawed Genius"


Take care and I hope to read more from yourself soon!

Best Regards,





Written by Avi

My biggest fear about becoming a zombie is all the walking that I’d have to do :) …..Stay Golden. Let’s dance :-D

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